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Published Aug 20, 2024 by Taylor Tatum

Battery Storage System - Jupiter Power

[新闻发布]- Jupiter Power LLC(“Jupiter Power”)今天宣布,其位于休斯顿的Callisto I电池储能设施已实现向ERCOT电网提供400兆瓦时可调度电力的商业运营, 德州. 这个新设施, which will significantly increase Houston's supply of reliable, zero emissions power as it faces record demand increases, 是近年来立法者为在ERCOT电网中增加有竞争力的可调度电力而进行的市场化改进的产物吗.  

卡利斯托1号皇冠HGA010官方下载中心是一个200MW/400MWh的电池储能系统,位于休斯顿市中心, 距离医疗中心5英里,距离休斯顿航道10英里,在一个前HL的旧址&P H.O. Clarke fossil fuel power plant. 该基地可容纳额外的400MW/800MWh电池储能发电.

"Jupiter couldn't be prouder about bringing the Callisto I project online,安迪·鲍曼说, Chief Executive Officer of Jupiter Power. 该项目响应了立法者的呼吁,即在人们需要更多电力的地区增加可负担和可调度的新一代. Callisto I是休斯顿市第一个如此规模的储能项目,将有助于满足休斯顿日益增长的电力需求,同时提高应对极端天气事件的能力."

卡利斯托1号代表了木星电力公司在西德克萨斯州和休斯顿以外的大规模运营电池储能项目的扩张, to provide the city with clean, resilient and emissions-free power. 

“木星电力公司宣布的卡利斯托1号储能项目对该地区来说意义重大,令人兴奋, 因为它是休斯顿市第一个大型传输连接的储能项目. 这个关键项目将有助于解决高峰电力需求,是Hga010皇冠软件下载地区在为上述皇冠HGA010官方下载未来扩展和部署有影响力的解决方案方面发挥领导作用的另一个很好的例子," said Jane Stricker, Greater Houston Partnership, 高级副总裁兼休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议(HETI)执行董事.

"It is essential that 德州 has a diversified generation portfolio," said State Senator Charles Schwertner, Chairman of the Senate Committee of Business and Commerce, “电池在这一组合中发挥着重要作用,有助于在需要时满足需求."

Jupiter Power is a developer, 老板, and operator of stand-alone, grid-connected battery energy storage projects that was founded in 2017. Callisto I是木星在ERCOT的第九个项目,使其ERCOT总容量达到1375兆瓦时. In December of 2023, Jupiter Power announced the closing of a $65.2 million financing with First Citizens Bank to finance the construction of Callisto I.




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休斯顿已经成为初创公司和公司寻求扩大创新技术的中心,这些技术正在改变皇冠HGA010官方下载行业并推进可持续发展, 低碳未来. 这个月, 首届休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载和气候创业周2024成功地突出了这一使命.   Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship, 哈里伯顿公司实验室, 绿城实验室, Digital Wildcatters与该伙伴关系的休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议(Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative)合作推出了首届创业周. The week brought together leading energy and climate venture capital investors, 行业领导者, and startups from around the world.   9月9日至13日举行了30多场活动,有100多位演讲者和125家初创企业参加. Attendance numbers came in at over 1,400 people across the week’s anchor events, 其他活动由休斯顿生态系统中的组织和初创公司单独组织.   “By hosting the Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 & Climate Startup Week, we're not just showcasing our city's strengths - we're actively shaping its future. This event is a critical catalyst for fostering collaboration, 蓬勃发展的皇冠HGA010官方下载和气候技术生态系统中的投资和人才发展. 本周的主题是展示Hga010皇冠软件下载对未来的承诺,激励下一代皇冠HGA010官方下载创新者,” said Janice Tran, 卡宁皇冠HGA010官方下载CEO & Co-Founder 单击展开 Janice Tran, Kanin 皇冠HGA010官方下载 启动活动, sponsored by Repsol, Microsoft and BBVA, hosted fireside chats by several of Houston’s leading startups, 包括Solugen, Cemvita, Kanin 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and Syzygy.   “休斯敦不仅处于皇冠HGA010官方下载创新的前沿,而且处于更广泛的工业创新的前沿. With the momentum that's built over the last few years, 这是展示Hga010皇冠软件下载的进展并推动气候解决方案进一步发展的最佳时机.” – Gaurab Chakrabarti, Solugen CEO and Co-Founder  单击展开 Jane Stricker, HETI and Gaurab Chakrabarti, Solugen 休斯顿拥有超过65家孵化器和加速器,以及260多家清洁技术和气候技术初创企业. 该地区继续建立势头,并专注于为这一不断增长的行业吸引投资, seeing a 577 percent growth since 2019. According to Partnership data, there has been over $1.95 Billion and 175 deals with cleantech and climate tech startups.  “休斯顿有独特的优势来应对Hga010皇冠软件下载这个时代最大的挑战——以更少的排放生产更多的皇冠HGA010官方下载. This city is where energy innovation scales and opportunity thrives. As a natural hub for startups and investors, Houston brought this to life during Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and Climate Startup Week. Years in the making, 这个活动的发起是为了回答这样一个问题:整体是否能大于部分之和? This past week proved it can. We look forward to continue building on this successful week.” said  Jane Stricker,  Senior Vice President, Greater Houston Partnership and Executive Director, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative. Learn more about how Houston is leading the energy transition to a 低碳未来.

国际有限公司. Moves HQ to Houston, Announces Solar Manufacturing Plant Near Katy

总部位于弗吉尼亚州的TMEIC美洲公司宣布将其总部迁至休斯顿, with plans to build a solar manufacturing facility near Katy.   该公司, a subsidiary of Japan’s TMEIC Corporation, will move to Houston’s 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Corridor in March 2025, while maintaining an office in Roanoke, 维吉尼亚州. TMEIC还将在布鲁克郡推出一个最先进的光伏(PV)制造工厂. 144年,000-square-foot facility, expected to open in October, 将位于其现有的电源和中压驱动制造工厂附近. 最初, the facility will have the capacity to produce 9 GW annually, with potential for future expansion. The facility is projected to create up to 300 jobs.   “Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴通过这些投资来扩大Hga010皇冠软件下载在休斯顿地区的皇冠HGA010官方下载,搬迁Hga010皇冠软件下载的总部并开设新的制造工厂,人肉人S说. Bhatia, President and CEO of TMEIC Corporation Americas, in a statement. “这一战略扩张凸显了TMEIC对可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载行业的奉献精神, advancing clean energy technology, maintaining strong client relationships, and competing on a global basis while proudly manufacturing in the United States.”    大休斯顿伙伴关系在吸引TMEIC进入该地区方面发挥了关键作用, working actively to bring solar energy companies to Houston.    This announcement underscores Houston's growing prominence as a leader in solar energy. According to the Clean Investment Monitor, 德州 attracted over $12 billion in solar investments in 2023. As a pivotal player in the global energy transition, Houston has been at the forefront of this growth, 使自己成为寻求扩张的太阳能制造公司的首选目的地.  例如, 可再生部分, a company specializing in wind turbine supply chain and refurbishment, chose Humble for its new parts recirculation workshop. 类似的, 国际公司Triveni turbine和Imperial Star Solar也公布了在休斯顿地区新建太阳能制造设施的计划.  Learn more about Houston’s leadership in solar energy. 


Economic Development

Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Conference Presented by Shell USA, Inc.

Join us at the annual Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Conference, presented by Shell USA, Inc. and hosted by the Greater Houston Partnership, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI), and the Center for Houston's Future.…

Executive Partners